Document Type : علمی- ترویجی


Associate Professor of Qur'anic and Hadith Sciences, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran;


Prayer is questions and requests of servants from God to meet a material or spiritual need. Prayer includes the needs that are fulfilled before God and the purpose of saying these needs is to be fulfilled and answered. This paper deals with the main question: How is prayer described in the Old Testament, the New Testament, and the Qur'an? He has studied prayer using a partial comparative method. This paper has shown that: Prayer in the Old Testament was the only worship with words, and after a long time, Tafila was derived from prayer. Prayer in the New Testament has the highest place of worship among other worships. The most important point in prayer is the intimacy of the praying person and the prayer that arises from the whole heart and soul. There is also no specific place for prayer, although the greatest emphasis is on prayer in private; But the houses of the believers, the mountains around the city, the synagogue, and the church are considered places of prayer. In the Qur'an, prayer is one of the examples of worship; The importance of prayer in the Qur'an is such that the value of a man is determined by prayer, and if it is not human prayer, it does not deserve God's attention. Prayer in the Qur'an is in human instinct. Therefore, any natural need can be the subject of human prayer. In the Qur'an, prayer is one of the examples of worship; The importance of prayer in the Qur'an is such that the value of a man is determined by prayer, and if it is not human prayer, it does not deserve God's attention. Prayer in the Qur'an is in human instinct. Therefore, any natural need can be the subject of human prayer. In the Qur'an, prayer is one of the examples of worship; The importance of prayer in the Qur'an is such that the value of a man is determined by prayer, and if it is not human prayer, it does not deserve God's attention. Prayer in the Qur'an is a human instinct. Therefore, any natural need can be the subject of human prayer.


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