Document Type : Research Paper



Fear is an emotional reaction which is rooted in a person’s interpretation of situations that seem threatening to his health. The source and perception of threats and dangers can be physical or psychological. Fear triggers the person’s defense mechanism and acts as a warning signal of probable or looming physical or psychological damage. Therefore, fear is a God-given gift and plays a significant role in a person’s life, safeguarding human beings. From the Quranic perspective the most important part of the emotional aspect of fear is the source. This means that if the source is a real threat that might harm a person’s health or undermine his goals, then the fear is acceptable, but if it is rooted in a unreal factor and does not threaten a person’s happiness and well-being, it is unacceptable. From such a perspective, the Qur'an cites different types of fear emotions and provides valuable strategies to manage each.
