Document Type : Research Paper


Professor at allameh tabatabai university


Intercession, referring to mediating for the forgiveness of the sins of sinners, has been continuously the focus of attention for various Islamic sects. If intercession, as understood by the masses, indeed exists in the divine system, it would be in contradiction with divine justice, and it would violate of divine law. On the other hand, Allah the Most Merciful in the Holy Quran in verses 48 and 123 of al-Baqqārah rejects intercession, zar and zur as existing in the divine system, but in many verses, especially verse 44 of surah al-Zumar, it is clear that intercession exists and is exclusive to Allah and His agents In this essay, the author first explains the concept of intercession from the perspective of verses and narratives, and then examines the views of Allamah Tabataba’i and a number of the Islamic thinkers through an analytical method.


Main Subjects

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