Document Type : علمی- ترویجی


Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran;


Cohesion is among elements which are specific to the Holy Quran, with scholars having attached considerable importance to it and extracted its different kinds from the Quran. Inspired by it, Abul Ala Al-Maʿarri has used two kinds of cohesion in Al-Fuṣul wa Al-ghayat. Therefore, the kind of cohesion seen in his book is not an innovation, but a pure imitation of the Quran. This article attempts to examine these two kinds of cohesion in Maʿarri's works and then show their differences with ones in the Holy Quran. The first cohesion is related to the accordance between methods of reporting concerning the names of God and its previous sentences, where, contrary to the Quran, all names of God are based on the meters of fo'oul and fa'eel. Maʿarri's wordplays seem to be what has led him to use names for God in a different way used in the Quran. And the second cohesion is to begin a sentence with a topic with which the previous sentence has ended. Thus, there is an accordance between the beginning of a sentence and the ending of the previous sentence in Maʿarri's works. In the Quran, likewise, a surah continues with a topic with which the previous surah has ended.


Main Subjects

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