Document Type : علمی- ترویجی


1 Associate Professor of Hadith and Quranic Sciences, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran

2 Graduate of the 4th, The seminary of the sisters of Hazrat Khadijeh, Babol, Iran;


The holy Quran has given different names for the day of resurrection one of which is the day of Tobleo Sarayer, meaning when the secrets will be revealed. The question to be discussed in this paper is if these secrets will be revealed to all creatures of just to the person. After studying and analyzing the available books and interpretations, tow views stood out. One view is that the secrets of each person will be revealed to all people so that all find out if they are good or bad and, in this way, they will suffer more or will be rewarded more. Another view is that the secrets of each person will be revealed to themselves only so that they cannot deny their actions and whatever was forgotten to be calculated for or against them. Although which view can be true the idea can be a warning for humans in this world that they cannot hide the actions. Referring to Siagh, interpretive narrations, and opinions of interpreters and with an emphasis on the mercy and hiding act of God, Mokhtar believes that human secrets will be revealed to just to them and all those who were affected by or from their actions.


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