Document Type : علمی- ترویجی


1 Assistant Professor of Arabic language and literature, University of Holy Qur’an Sciences and Education, Qom, Iran;

2 MA of Interpretation of the Qur’an, University of Holy Qur’an Sciences and Education, Qom, Iran;


The word "Al-Tahlukah", derived from the verb "Halakah" - rhyming with "Al-Taf'uolah" - is considered as a unique term with no counterparts in Arabic, conjugationally. Charity is the specific subject of verse 195 of the surah Al-Baqarah, in which this term is used. Encouraging individuals to charity, consequently, this verse hinders one from getting caught up in "Tahlukah" i.e., damnation and destruction. In interpreting this verse, various and even contradictory meanings have been provided, the most notable being avoiding excessive charity and complete refusal of charity which will both lead to damnation and destruction. Given the dependent meaning of this term with the charity in the aforementioned verse, to realize the scope of charity the precise meaning of "Tahlukah", besides the relation of these two concepts should be perceived. Hence, the significance of the meaning of "Tahlukah" becomes obvious. Using an analytical-descriptive method and a cognitive approach it is concluded that the meaning of the root "ha-la-ka" conveys a unique kind of destruction, especially because of its rare conjugational usage. On the other hand, the cognitive analysis of this verse confirms the interpretation which implies avoiding damnation and destruction as the result of the complete refusal of charity. Therefore, it is revealed that avoiding the destruction of any kind is gained through charity, be it denoting one's riches or life, the most precious property, which once denoted eternity is achieved.


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