Document Type : علمی- ترویجی


1 Phd of Comprative Philosophy, Shahid Motahari University, Tehran, Iran;

2 MA of Shiite Studies (Kalam), University of Religions and Denominations, Qom, Iran


At the present, what and how to use the "Analytical Method" as one of the research methods is a serious concern for learners and novices in the fields of theology and the teachings of the Qur'an and Hadith; However, this method has long been used in texts and knowledge of Kalam, Philosophy and Jurisprudence. In this article, to explain and introduce this concept (Analysis), two methods of conceptual definition (theoretical discussion on what is the analytical method?) and high definition (direct reference or showing objective examples of analysis in hadith texts) have been used. In the "Analytical Method", which relies on the researcher's mental activity and creativity, it attempts to determine the general claim of a degenerate proposition and different probabilities for the exact meaning of each component, and consequently the general meaning of the general statement of the proposition. As an example, a text has been selected from Sheikh Saduq. Saduq, who is most often identified as an adventurer, has defended the teachings of Imamate and Ali (AS) as a thinker and theologian of Imami, using an analytical method in the interpretation of two hadiths, "al-Wilaya and al-Manzila" In the Book of Meanings, Al-Akhbar begins to prove the main theme of these two hadiths, which is the same authority as Imam Ali (AS).


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