Document Type : علمی- ترویجی
Assistant Professor of Fiqh and Islamic Law, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran
One of the arguments that is of great interest in deriving jurisprudential issues and rulings is the structure of reasoning. The structure of wisdom is the observation of the behavior and approach of wise people in different fields of life, who, based on the benefits and harms, put a way to do or leave a behavior. Allameh Tabatabaei, as a jurist commentator and with a deep insight into issues and cases, has used this source of inference in his arguments and correctly explained the validity and significance of the intellectual structure from Allameh's point of view. This article, compiled by descriptive-analytical method, examines the structure of wise men from the perspective of this wise thinker, and the result of the article shows that firstly, the structure of reason is an important source for inferring rulings. . And secondly, the basis of its validity is the fact that the rulings issued by reason are definitive. And it is certain, but because the intellect is practical and related to dos and don'ts, it has limitations. In practical applications, people may deviate. As a result, it needs Sharia approval. Some claim a contradiction in Allameh's statement regarding the validity of the intellectual structure, it does not seem correct. By accepting Allameh's principles, there is no difference between the new structures and those related to the Innocent Age, and this itself can open the way for fundamental studies in Islamic jurisprudence and law.