Document Type : علمی- ترویجی


1 student of Shiraz university

2 Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Shiraz University


Some verses of the Qur'an can create problems in the mind of the audience at first glance. Some of these are verses that relate to the discussion of the good and the bad of reason. The goodness and ugliness of deeds and their consequences, firstly in the dimension of moral issues and secondly as a mental presupposition and practical model need a foundation of action and framework. The necessity of this research is justified by the elimination of the forms formed in the verse, because verse 34 of Surah Al-Mutaffafin, "So that those who believe in the unbelievers may be judged", means that there is no way for the believers to go to Paradise. This research, in the position of collecting data by library method and in the stage of data processing by analytical-descriptive method, seeks to answer the desired unknowns and at the same time prove the meaning of the verse on mockery with two ethical and philosophical approaches.


Main Subjects

قرآن کریم
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