Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant professor of Allameh Tabataba'i University


One of the primary strategies for crime prevention is predicting punishment for the perpetrator, the logic of its effectiveness is the weight of the costs of committing the act against its benefits. In this research, we are trying to find out, what is the effect of the punishment system that has been communicated to the guilty by the Holy Law through verses and traditions in the prevention of crimes. The results obtained by the descriptive-analytical method were that the Islamic punishment system, with a comprehensive approach, has predicted punishments for criminals that have the worldly and the afterlife aspects in a clear and harmonious way. Worldly punishments sometimes have a natural aspect and sometimes they are manifested as legal punishments for sins. Natural worldly punishments are actually the results of people's sinful actions that are embedded in the nature of these actions and they naturally affect the person after they are committed. Sharia punishments are another type of worldly punishments that the Holy Law has imposed with a deterrent approach.
The deterrence aspect of Shariah punishments, which include limits, retribution, diat and punishment, with three approaches of the inevitability of punishments, which removes doubts and doubts about its implementation in the mind of the perpetrator, the severity of punishments, which increases the physical and mental cost of committing a sin for the perpetrator. And the accuracy and delicacy that is foreseen in the execution of the punishment and the method of proving the guilt has been established.


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