Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor of Islamic Azad university of Sari branch

2 student


Word-for-word translation of the Holy Quran may prevent the transmission of its deep meanings, so translators sometimes have to add additions to the translated text in order to make the semantic and structural clarification of the translated text work well. In contemporary Persian translations of the Holy Quran, interpretive additions have a special place and many contemporary translators have suggested additions in parentheses and others about the translation of some verses of the Holy Quran. The present study intends to adopt a descriptive-analytical method on the typology of interpretive additions of contemporary translators from the last two parts of the Holy Quran.Studies show the expression of the meaning of some letters of the Holy Quran, the expression of the reason for the revelation of verses in the form of interpretive additions, the expression of some Qur'anic propositions in the form of interpretive additions, the semantic expansion of some words, the use of context Verses in translating and interpreting similar attributes of God are considered as the most important types of interpretive additions in contemporary Persian translations.


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