Document Type : علمی- ترویجی



Fadakiyeh Sermon is one of the most reliable Hazrateh Zahra’s sermons which was given after Prophet Mohammad (Pbuh)’s demise. The profound and meaningful effect of this sermon can be found in all domains and has brought about profound insights into doctrinal, juristic, and particularly political dimensions. Conveying theses insights in those crises and telling all the whole truth were difficult, but by drawing on the Quranic verses and prophet Mohammad (Pbuh)‘s tradition, Hazrateh Zahra (Pbuh) presented her proofs to them in an artistic and significant way so that not only were the meanings conveyed, but also the addressees were able to visualize the important events of that time in an artistic way.  In terms of art and eloquence, the sermon has a coherent and unique texture in a way that the sonic features of the words and sentences and the repetition of some sounds, words, phrases, syllables, along with interesting figures of speech like rhyme and pun have increased its rhythm. These phrases are full of various literary and technical images which give life to them.


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