Document Type : علمی- ترویجی



Translating divine titles from one language to another is a very difficult task, and even some contemporary rhetoricians of the field of translation hold that it is impossible. Nevertheless, since one of the ways of getting to know God is the Quran and He introduces Himself through his attributes in this holy book, their translation is essential. However, a wrong translation of the Divine Titles can affect the reader's mind and create an obscure misconception of God.  This article attempts to analyze Divine Titles’ translatability in verse 23 of surah “AL-HASHR” with reference to the translations provided by Andre Chouraqui and Kazimirski. To this end, through the reference to dictionaries, interpretation and philological books and with regard to subtle differences in meaning of words in terms of etymology and linguistics, we attempt to analyze the equivalents selected by these two translators. This study indicates that in selecting most equivalents, the translators have not paid enough attention to the roots and true meanings of the Divine titles, and interpretive translation or adding a confirmative adverb or adjective is suggested as a solution in understanding the exact meaning of the Divine Titles.


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