Document Type : علمی- ترویجی


Assistant Professor of Russian Language, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran;


Translation of religious texts, including the Quran, the book that excels in oration, is very difficult. If the translator, in translating this book, faces the problem of realia, the translation will become more complex and hard. Before translating, the translator needs to know realia and how to deal with them, for making improper decisions in the translation will result in misunderstading and misconception since the Russian readers are not familiar with the Quran. In this article, first we intend to learn the linguistic aspects of  realia and how to translate them. We will, then, analyze the Russian translation of twenty realia in Kuliev's translation of the Quran. We come to the conclusion that the translator has not been able to properly translate realia, and this has made an accurate understaidng of the Quran for Russian speakers elusive. Learning translation strategies of the realia and making proper decisions in translating realia can prevent misunderstanding and misconception about the Ayat of the Quran.


Main Subjects

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