Document Type : علمی- ترویجی


Associate professor/ Shahid Bahonar university of Kerman


Researchers have mostly attended to the relation between the Quran's literary and religious aspects and the compatibility or incompatibility of these two aspects. Quran, as the final miracle, has been the source for literary eloquence to flourish in the Persian language, while at the same time it is impossible to imitate its own eloquence. Therefore, examples of literary devices like imagery, metaphor, metonym, allegory, emblem, etc. in the Persian language do not have the same nature as the ones in the Quran itself. This holds true the most about personification in the Quran. In the mythical animistic view, the personification of other beings is a kind of imagination. All literary devised in the Quran serve to convey deeper meanings to the human mind, but this explanation does not hold true for personification in the Quran. The main question the present paper strives to answer is how could the metaphorical language in its general sense, as seen in the literary devices such as personification be explained in the text of the Quran?


Main Subjects

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