Document Type : علمی- ترویجی


1 M A Student of Hadith and Quranic Scienes, Sistan and Baluchestan University, Sistan and Baluchestan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Hadith and Quranic Scienes, Sistan and Baluchestan University, Sistan and Baluchestan, Iran


Cinematic narration is one of the types of imaging methods. In this way, the speaker expresses his/ her contents in a way that the audience can take them as a film in front of him/her when hears. They can be observed in his/her expression. This method can be studied in different dimensions. The present article examines the application and potential of this art in the sermon of the ninety-first of Nahjol Balagha, which contains various reports and narrations concerning the prominent rhetorical features in the word of Imam Ali. Accordingly, the descriptive-analytical method tries to introduce cinematic techniques in this sermon and to show the art of imam Ali in each case. At the end of each section, there are usually scenes from Nahjol-Balagha's first sermon in the line with this sermon and in some cases, the verses of the Quran are cited as evidence of the continuity of time, nature and man as a single body of life.


Main Subjects

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