

From among the narrations of the immaculate Imams (PBUT), those narrations which are concerned with the cause of their descent, the explanation of the simple elements and concepts or those that discuss the applicability of the verses, etc. are used for the interpretation of the Qur’an's effect. However, another group of narrations merely describe certain Quranic verses and chapters and these narrations provide for the ‘description of the Qur’an's effect’. These narrations refer to differing qualities of Quranic verses and chapters; the narrations which have discussed the impact of reciting particular chapters or those narrations that consider some verses as more valuable than the others are some examples. The present paper classifies these narrations, explains them and discusses their practical and scientific efficiency and makes an essential comparison between these narrations and the interpretive ones. This paper is solely an introduction into a more general theory and research field and attempts to contribute to the better practical and scientific understanding of the ‘Description of the Qur'an's Effect’ by the researchers of the science of the Qur’an and narrations so that they adopt a different perspective towards these narrations, attend to them and use them.
