نوع مقاله : علمی- ترویجی


1 استادیار علوم قرآن و حدیث، دانشگاه شهید مدنی آذربایجان، آذربایجان شرقی، ایران

2 دانشیار علوم قرآن و حدیث، دانشگاه شهید مدنی آذربایجان، آذربایجان شرقی، ایران


یکی از مسائل مربوط به زندگی پس از مرگ و قیامت در قرآن کریم، وضعیت پیوندها و روابط بین انسان‌هاست که آیاتی حاکی از انقطاع و نابودی همه‌ی روابط پس از مرگ است. از دلایل پررنگ این اتفاق، ترس و وحشت انسان‌ها از واقعه‌ی قیامت و مراحل بعدازآن و نیز روابط و دوستی‌های گناه‌آلود و بد سرانجام است. در آیاتی دیگر الحاق افراد به اهل و خانواده و بقای دوستی‌ها، در آخرت دیده می‌شود. با نگاه سطحی و عدم‌تشخیص مصادیق صحیح و بی‌توجهی به اطلاق و تقیید آیات، به تقابلی ظاهری برخورد می‌کنیم. نکته‌ای که در این پژوهش موردتوجه قرارگرفته است، وضعیت مؤمنین و کفار در مراحل مختلف آخرت و محور ارتباطات است که با در نظر گرفتن این دو مورد، آیات به‌ظاهر مختلف، در این زمینه، مختص به گروهی خاص می‌گردند. به‌طورکلی آیاتی که بیان‌گر قطع اسباب و نسب‌ها است، ارتباطاتی است که خدامحور نبوده است، اما ارتباطی که حول ایمان و تقوا باشد، در آخرت هم ماندگار می‌باشند. در این پژوهش با روش توصیفی- تحلیلی با توجه به محور و اسباب پیوندها که یا الهی‌اند و یا مادی و توسط خود قرآن و روایات تبیین شده‌اند، مصادیق آیات قطع روابط و بقای آن‌ها، به‌خوبی روشن می‌گردد. پرسش اصلی عبارت است از اینکه آیا ارتباطات دنیوی در آخرت به‌طورکلی منقطع می‌شود یا نه؟



عنوان مقاله [English]

Resolving the Conflict of Survival Verses and Cutting Ties in the Hereafter

نویسندگان [English]

  • Karim Alimohammadi 1
  • Roghayeh Sadeghi Niri 2

1 Assistant Professor of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Shahid Madani University of Azerbaijan, East Azerbaijan, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Shahid Madani University of Azerbaijan, East Azerbaijan, Iran

چکیده [English]

One of the issues related to life after death and resurrection in the Holy Qur'an is the state of bonds and relationships between humans, which verses indicate the severance and destruction of all relationships after death. One of the strong reasons for this is people's fear of the Day of Resurrection and the stages after it, as well as sinful and bad relationships and friendships. In other verses, the joining of people to the family and the survival of friendships can be seen in the afterlife. With a superficial look and not recognizing the correct examples and neglecting the application of the verses, we come across an apparent contradiction. The point that has been taken into consideration in this research is the situation of believers and infidels in different stages of the hereafter and the axis of communication. Considering these two cases, apparently different verses in this context become specific to a specific group. In general, the verses that express the severing of family ties are relationships that are not God-centered, but relationships that are based on faith and piety will last in the hereafter. In this research, according to the axis and causes of bonds, which are either divine or material and explained by the Qur'an itself and traditions, the examples of the verses of cutting off relationships and their survival are well clarified.


One of the issues related to life after death and resurrection in the Holy Qur'an is the state of bonds and relationships between humans, which verses indicate the severance and destruction of all relationships after death. One of the strong reasons for this is people's fear of the Day of Resurrection and the stages after it, as well as sinful and bad relationships and friendships.
In other verses, the joining of people to the family and the survival of friendships can be seen in the afterlife. With a superficial look and not recognizing the correct examples and neglecting the application of the verses, we come across an apparent contradiction.
The point that has been taken into consideration in this research is the situation of believers and infidels in different stages of the hereafter and the axis of communication. Taking these two things into consideration, seemingly different verses become specific to a specific group in this context.
In general, the verses that express the severance of family and lineage are relationships that are not God-centered, but relationships that are based on faith and piety will last in the hereafter.
In this research, with the descriptive-analytical method, according to the axis and causes of bonds, which are either divine or material, and explained by the Qur'an itself and traditions, the examples of the verses of cutting off relationships and their survival are well clarified.
Research Question(s):
The main question is whether worldly communication will be completely cut off in the hereafter or not?

Literature Review

No background was found in this field.


This research used the descriptive-analytical method, according to the axis and causes of bonds, which are either divine or material, and explained by the Qur'an itself and traditions.


Among human beings, there are relationships and bonds such as kinship and friendship as required by life in the world. The relationships that exist between people in the world are either physical or spiritual and many different relationships between people have been explained in the Qur'an. And he has expressed the importance of some. According to some verses of the Holy Quran, relative ties and friendships are severed in the afterlife and the relationships that exist between people in the world are cut and ineffective. And even based on other verses, relationships will be stretched to the point of enmity in the Day of Judgment. However, other verses in the Qur'an express the survival of relationships between individuals and the joining of believers to their families and close parents of God. According to the findings of this research, the severance and survival of worldly ties in the afterlife depends on the axis of relationships, only the lineage and the reason that existed in the world due to the necessity of worldly conditions is meaningless in the afterlife. In general, if it is due to material love and affection, it is because materiality is perishable, that love will disappear. If the cause of connection, whether spiritual or kinship, is sin and divine transgression, not only does it disappear, but it also turns into an enemy. All relationships that are based on faith and piety and formed for the sake of God and in His way, because it is not material, will not disappear, and maybe they will be stronger and more complete than before. These are the bonds that will join each other in the hereafter and are worthy of intercession by God's permission.


In general, the verses that express the severance of family and lineage are relationships that are not God-centered, but relationships that are based on faith and piety will last in the hereafter.
In this research, with the descriptive-analytical method, according to the axis and causes of bonds, which are either divine or material, and explained by the Qur'an itself and traditions, the examples of the verses of cutting off relationships and their survival are well clarified.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Cut off Genealogy
  • Afterlife Relations
  • Resurrection
  • Family
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