Document Type : Research Paper
1 Ph.D student of Qur'an and Hadith Sciences, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.
2 Assistant Professor of Qur'an and Hadith Sciences, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.
3 Professor of Qur'an and Hadith Sciences, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
Reflect on shia hadith sources is indicates that movable hadiths from Emam Sadeq are more than others. The study of the reasons for the multiplicity of these narrations and their typology is the basis of this research. On this basis, first, the requirements of the time of the Imam and his policy in different situations have been studied and then the hadiths from the Imam and its statistics and diagrams have been presented based on the book "Masnad al-Imam Sadiq (AS)" by Azizullah Atarodi; In order to examine the relationship between the number of Imam's hadiths in each field and the requirements of his time. Scholars, considering the total number of narrations of this Imam collected in the "Masnad al-Imam Sadiq (AS)", believe that the highest frequency of the narrations of this Imam is manifested in three areas of "jurisprudence", "beliefs" and "ethics", respectively. There is a two-way relationship between the frequency of Imam's narrations in every field and the requirements of his time; By reflecting on the topics and content of the narrations, one can become aware of the requirements governing the culture of the time of this Imam.