Document Type : علمی- ترویجی


Assistant Professor of Islamic Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Law, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran;


The Holy Qur'an, as the most reliable source of inference in jurisprudence and Islamic law, is the word of Allah Almighty and, according to the great beliefs of the Muslims, this book of the celestial has not been translated into the human mind without any meaning. Hence, one word of the Holy Quran is the medium in transmitting the message from the messenger (God) to the receiver's message (man). Therefore, the exact understanding of the words of this Bible, which is possible by the method of semantics and the formation of a semantic network and the search for synonymous, contradictory, and related words, is essential and inevitable. The author of this paper believes that, if this method is to be studied by the term "peace", it would give the license a two-way legal action (primary peace), which would bring about many civil interactions among the people. Today, in our law, "primitive peace" or "primitive peace" can serve as a rationale for this semantic accuracy, enhance the human freedom of action, and develop and strengthen the legal relationships of individuals. This paper, based on the analytical and semantic method, pursues the above objective by studying the library of works of lexicons, commentators, and jurisprudents.


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