Document Type : علمی- ترویجی


1 Department of Philosophy and Philosophy Department, Department of Islamic Sciences, Mashhad, Mashhad.

2 Assistant Professor of Islamic Education Department at , Payame Noor University, Iran


Analysis and جمع‌بندی of "I Non - سو" on the miracle of iodine - Hazrat bin Moses (RA).
the teachings of the qur ' an have different degrees in appearance and culture, so that commentators face numerous layers of understanding of the quran. Due to this, over 14 centuries of the Holy Koran's decline, the scripture is still fresh, consisting of great and new themes and, as he told them, he will always be fresh. The interpretation of "I," which was mentioned in some verses of the Holy Quran, is a proof of this diversity of understanding. Most commentators have described the restraint as internally and ناظر as برص and پیسی, or loss in the hands of Moses, others on the outside, relating to the negation of the other. the question of the research is whether to explain and analyze the most important points of view, a consensus is presented for the proposed views on this issue. In this paper, we analyze the perspectives on a comprehensive view among them, and have shown evidence that this sum can take the majority of views within its origin. The research hypothesis is due to the question that "Sue" includes all the losses of the ها to the آورنده, the بیننده, and even the اوهام of the viewer, and is not a conflict between internal and external attitudes in this


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