Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Shahid Madani University of Azerbaijan, Tabriz, Iran

2 PhD Student of Shahid Madani University of Azerbaijan, Tabriz, Iran


translation of religious and sacred texts, especially Nahj al-Balaghah, is one of the most important ways to convey their concepts. These translations need a precise and scientific evaluation in order to identify the shortcomings in them and thus improve the quality of translations. In the meantime, the numerous models have been proposed by translation experts to evaluate translation. Vinay and Darbelnet model is one of the most efficient translation theories that can be employed as a scientific framework for evaluating translated texts, particularly those of religious nature. This model, which is a combination of direct and indirect translation methods, consists of seven procedures: borrowing, literal translation , calque, transposition, modulation, equivalence, adaptation. In this research, which has done by descriptive-analytical methodology, a part of the translation of Faiz al-Islam from Nahj al-Balaghah is analyzed based on the Vinay and Darbelnet model, and the rate of application of septet techniques is specified. the results show that the translator, while being faithful to the source text and observing the principle of fiduciary duty, has primarily adopted the indirect translation method which has produced a smooth and eloquent rendition.


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