Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor and faculty member of the Department of Islamic Studies, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

2 Master's student of Islamic Studies, Department of Theoretical Foundations of Islam, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


Badaa doctrine is one of the beliefs that is specific to the Shia religion. The Holy Qur'an has verses to prove this doctrine or confront the opponents of this doctrine. Some Shiite thinkers believe that in addition to this, the Qur'an contains examples of the occurrence of Badaa in the lives of the prophets. One of the stories that is said to be an example of this doctrine is the verses related to the slaughter of the child by Prophet Ibrahim. This article tries to answer the question of whether the verses related to this story can be considered examples of Badaa? In this regard, it was necessary to refer to the books of interpretation, belief, and hadith, and analyze the opinions of supporters and opponents with a descriptive and analytical method. Finally, we came to the conclusion that all the views that consider these verses as an example of the occurrence of Badaa are views that can be criticized and debated. Of course, all the viewpoints that do not consider these verses to be an example of the occurrence of Badaa are not necessarily correct. The superior view is that this story and the verses related to it were about trials and tribulations.


Main Subjects

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